Callbacks made by FARR to Plugin

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The FARR host program can make the following calls to a plugin:




In addition to the custom callback functions, FARR uses the set_strvalue callback function to do a variety of generic callbacks:



pluginp->set_strvalue(char* VARNAME,char* VARVALUE)


·"ExecJavascriptResult",returnvaluestring - the return value as a string of a previous call to ExecJavascript.


·"EmbeddedWb.NewWindow",url - user clicks on a web link that wants to open an external (popup) window.

Return FALSE to let the default action take place and let the page open; return TRUE to tell FARR not to open the window (your plugin can open it with it's own launch command if it wants).


·"EmbeddedWb.BeforeNavigate",url - user clicks on a web link that wants to open a page in the embedded browser.

Return FALSE to let the default action take place and let the page open; return TRUE to tell FARR not to open the window (your plugin can open it with it's own launch command if it wants).


·"EmbeddedWb.NavigationComplete",url - a new web page has opened in the embedded browser.


·"EmbeddedWb.DocumentComplete",url - a new web page has downloaded and it's contents loaded.

This would be the place where you might want to get the embedded web browser document contents and modify them before they are actually displayed.


·"ViewmodeChanges,VIEWMODESTRING - tells plugin in control about a change of view mode.

VIEWMODESTRING is from list | memo | html | user | spreadsheet